Friday, September 26, 2008


Kristi here, I'm posting on behalf of the Buck family. Here is an overview of our summer via photograph.

I remembered the 80's
Cade fixed our car
and we went on a few camping trips!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Here are our pics.. now get posting.

We went to the Big Lick triathlon again. Unfortunately I didn't do as well as last year, but I didn't train nearly as much. Of course, my two biggest fans came out to support me. How wonderful. I guess that was the best part. A local photographer was very interested in Sadie and her "go dad" onesie. no surprise. Pretty fun for the last weekend of summer!

Thanks, Cade.

Cade, we needed to hear that. Honestly, Olsens. It took a Buck to remind us of what Olsens truly stand. Unity! Where is the unity? Where are the posts? the updates? the good times? the pics? C'mon, Olsens. Olsens one and Olsens all, right? I feel like Cade is a modern day captain Moroni, and this is the Title of Blog-erty. Let's rally. I hereby decree that each olsen particulate and entity rededicate, recommit, and post. Today being the first day of Fall (the autumnal equinox or something), I propose, request, and DEMAND that each Olsen post at least one pic of summer fun. That includes Mom and/or Dad, Jeannette, Ricks, us, Greg/Andrea/Fetus, mer, Bucks, kell, danny and Kurt. One summer memory in .jpeg digital format. Olsens... Unite!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


this blog sure lamed out, is it dead? what happened to the united olsens of america? Come on Olsens, lets show the world what we've got!! Olsens stand United Forever!!!