Monday, June 1, 2009

Cute Singing!

Hello Blog world.

Here's the latest news.

First, I might start my own, independent blog...I hope Olsensunite can survive without me blogging all the time.

Well, Yesterday James acted like he wanted to learn to roll over and could get into this position. He was happy, but then I flipped his hips over so he was on his back and he started screaming! Go figure, he likes his side, I guess.

A few weeks ago James was 3 months and I realized he outgrew his bassinet.

On the 27th Annie graduated from kindergarten. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Weibell for coming!

James was blessed in the same clothes as Grandpa Olsen. Isn't he cute?

Thanks to everyone who came! It was a great day!

Jarom and James in their Military clothes.

James trying on Jarom's blessing outfit. its cute, but a bit tight on the 14 pound 2 month old!

James in another of Jarom's outfits. What a wild crazy look he gets when he's excited!

The girls wanted to make st. patrick's day hats, so we did.

Easter (Annie had fallen and hit her head a few days before)

OK, here's the good stuff (these took forever to upload btw)

Kindergarten graduation was great. If you can make it in first grade you can make it anywhere!!! Also, the kickline was AMAZING!

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